Monday, March 1, 2010

Make a Difference.

Shooting games, destruction, violence, or meaningless play. Sometimes I go on the internet, and see so many games that are just for fun's sake. I am all for the entertainment value of games, and think that it's a wonderful thing, but sometimes I wish the potential of games will be unlocked to help.

When I looked up "educational game" on creative commons, this picture is what came up. Sometimes the games that are produced are really simple like this. Innovation is what is needed to make a difference.

It's refreshing to see more and more games that are trying to make a change. Sometimes its making changes socially or maybe economically. That is what I found from the two articles that I found. A game for social game, and one for economic change.

"Game designer Jane McGonigal sees 'superheroes' with untapped potential that can be used to fix vexing real-world problems."

'"Gamers are willing to work hard all the time if they're given the right work," she said. She calls them "super-empowered, hopeful individuals," and includes herself among the bunch.'

Jane McGonigal wants to use her game "Urgent Evoke" to help people in Africa solve problems in the real world.

Players can "earn points and power-ups by completing real-world tasks like volunteering, making business contacts or researching an issue, then submitting evidence of their work online." Her idea is that if people use this game to be motivated to make a real world change. She hopes that the drive they have to play the game will transfer to making a change in their lives around them.

Changing gears a little bit to a game that was developed as a partnership between T. Rowe Price and Disney, called "The Great Piggybank Adventure."

The Great Piggybank Adventure, "focuses on four main elements of personal finance: goal setting, saving and spending wisely, the basics of inflation, and diversifying funds. Throughout the game, players must make choices that will affect their financial plans, use different investment strategies, and choose personal dream goals."

This is a game that is not only fun and exciting, but innovative and beneficial. It allows kids to enjoy it, and still learn how to manage their money and look to the future. So many times kids will see a game and immediately know it is an educational game because of the lack of colors or fun game play, and want nothing to do with it. But with this game it might just change their perspective a little bit.

I hope that more games for social change and education will become free to all on the internet. These online games can really be used for change and can help improve or world.

Online game seeks to empower Africa

Free online game promotes piggybank prowess