Thursday, February 10, 2011


Relearning. That is what I have been doing lately.

I am relearning Flash, not because I am rusty with the program (although doesn't help), but because I am learning a whole new scripting language.
Actionscript 3.0 is a different animal.

I originally learned my Flash programming on Actionscript 2.0. Now learning AS 3.0 I realize how different it is.
I am pretty excited about it though, because this scripting language has a lot more to offer then the last version. I am ready to learn the ins-and-outs of the code, and to be able to put it to use.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Furthering Functionality.

Our assignment was to check out eBay's new "sidebar" feature. In theory this sounds like a pretty good idea. Having a sidebar button that shows updates should help make things a little faster, right?
Well, I had a pretty bad time getting this to work. First, it took me forever to find where to download the plug in.

If eBay wants this to be something that is helping their customers, it would be good for them to put it in a more visible place.
Second, it wouldn't download! After a few tries it finally downloaded.
Third, when I loaded it, it didn't recognize safari. This was a sad time. After many times trying to get it to recognize, it did. But then, the eBay sidebar didn't let me log into my account.
I can't consider something functional that doesn't do the function that it is trying to accomplish.
It was pretty frustrating overall.

I can see this being an interesting addition for eBay, but I don't see it being much better than the traditional method of watching and buying items. For now, I will stick with what is familiar and works!