Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Career Opportunities

In the field of communications I want to make a positive impact, but in a different way. You see, I am not going into a typical Mass Communications field. I would like to go into the ministry, and become a Youth Pastor. I want to positively affect the lives of teens and young adults. This is a different type of communication job, but still uses communications skills quite regularly.

With every job you deal with people. This is quite true with the job of a Youth Pastor. I will be dealing with people everyday for long hours. Not only will I use verbal communication, but will be able to incorporate what I have learned about media into my job. I plan on using the web as a source and aid to my job. I will be using the skills that I have learned here at Shepherd University to set up a comprehensive website to get the youth and their parents involved in what we are doing.

In the Mass Communications program I have been learning essential skills of how to read how people react to information. Public relations is a key factor in many jobs. Relating the idea you want to get across to the general public can be hard at times. I will have to do that on a regular basis, just in a different form.

I will have to use advertising skills in my job quite frequently. I will have to design events that will draw in people, and have them enjoy and profit from them. It doesn’t matter if you have an amazing, great, fun event planned, if you do not advertise no one will come!

Drawing attention and keeping it is a hard thing to do with middle and high schoolers at times. I am sure of that. I myself have a fairly short attention span, so I know what types of things need to happen to keep the attention of the audience. I will be able to use the skills that I have learned here to make interesting presentations. I want to make presentations that not only are entertaining but beneficial and memorable, that will affect their lives.

I will have to find employment through a local church. Possibly interning with a church for while, to gain necessary experience in the church. I am considering going to Seminary first, to get a Masters in Theology. Things may change, and I might find a job in a more traditional communications job. I hope that I will be able to use the skills I have learned to positively impact peoples lives.

Credits: Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes , 12/20/1985

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