Schooling has always tested students in almost the exact same ways. Teachers lecture material, and then test students in the same exact ways. For some students this is perfect for them and they excel, for others this is quite difficult. Now, this doesn’t mean that the student is not intelligent; it just means that they process information differently and are a different type or learner.
To combat these problems, Howard Gardner came up with his Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He believed that not all students process information or learn the same way. He believed that there were seven “intelligences.” These intelligences being: linguistic, mathematical, musical, kinesthetic, visual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. He believed that each person’s mind should not be confined to regular I.Q. tests but that they have unique learning styles and strengths.
I was very familiar with this theory, and have taken a similar test before, but not one that was as precise as this test. I scored my highest scores in Interpersonal with a 36, Musical with a 34, and Linguistic with a 32. I was not very surprised with my results, but it was a great way of seeing how I thought.
Interpersonal intelligence has to do with communication and how to relate with people. I have always loved to meet and help people. I normally can tell when someone is in need or has a problem, and try to help them in any way I can. Musical intelligence pertains to the use and recognition of sound and rhythm. I have always loved music, and have grown up in a house that has always had music around. I love playing and listening to music. I constantly have a song in my head, repeating the lyrics and beats. Sometimes turning information into a rhythm or song in my head helps me remember it. Linguistic intelligence pertains to the use of words and language. It deals with conveying information through language. I very much enjoy speaking and conveying ideas to people. Being able to speak in front of any number of people is always a great opportunity for me.
This test has brought a good perspective on how I view my learning styles. It allowed me to better process my strengths and weaknesses and will allow me to duly note them for the future. I believe that the strengths listed are the exact type of strengths that I want to use in the job field that I am going into. I will need to be able to relate and communicate with my audience on a regular basis, and those skills will help me do that.
For more information and the multi-intelligence test go to:
Joel Heslop
Comm 203
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