In the digital age that we live in, information flows through all parts of the media. Information is constantly moving, constantly changing. People’s ideas and works become interchanged with others on a regular basis.
The problem that occurs is the drawing of a line between what is legal and illegal in the sharing of ideas.
Digital copyright is something that has had to come about in the coming of the digital age. Now that information has moved from solid hard copies to more “soft” copies electronically, the copyright laws become more of a grey area. People find it harder to protect their works on-line.
I believe that there should be “auto-copyrighting” implemented, because there are so many good works that have been taken and used without proper sighting. “Auto-copyrighting” is just a way to automatically copyright a work once you have completed it. People should have the rights that they deserve for their creations, but those rights should not give them more then they are merited.
The way I look at it, there needs to be a better way to work with each other to profit each other. A site like creativecommons.org is amazing to me. “Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that increases sharing and improves collaboration.” If people are to work together to help each other with ideas, while regulating the use of information it can be a beautiful relationship. The more laws enacted for copyrights, the more people will want to break those laws. If there are more ways that people can self-regulate their works, and try to positively work together to share ideas, I believe that a more profitable use of information sharing will occur.
Comm 203
Joel Heslop
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