Saturday, March 5, 2011

Interactive Learning

The goal of my project is to make an interactive game that engages the player and allows them to learn something.

Merriam-Webster says that learning is "the act or experience of one that learns."
That's it. The Experience. I want the game to be a learning experience.
I have been doing some research on how students learn.

Sara DeWitt, the vice president of interactive at PBS Kids says, "When kids are engaged, they're more likely to learn."

If students are engaged, they are drawn into the subject.

I have been working at the Pre-school on campus at Shepherd University this semester and part of last semester. I have really enjoyed it, and I believe I will be making my game to fit the ages of 3-5. The Pre-school to Kindergarten age. It is a really fun age range to work with. The absorb everything. It will be fun making a game that the pre-schoolers can play and learn from.

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