That is why I want to have my topic for the semester be online games. Over the years I have played numerous online games. Whether they are complicated problem solving games, or just simple point and click shooters. There are numerous online games that are free as very easy to access so that just about anyone can can play.
Online games allow people to interact together at any time. They are fun, involving, and dynamic. The games are ever changing, always giving the gamer something to play. The online gaming industry has changed how people play games. Gaming just isn't after school with little Jimmy from down the street anymore, now it can be with any number of people all over the world, whenever you want to play.
Online gaming revenue is only going up these days. Usa Today said "Last year, online players in the USA spent more than $1 billion on virtual goods, and they're expected to spend $1.6 billion this year, according to market research firm Inside Network." They say a growing trend with games is to have free play, but then online upgrades that are just one time fees. You can buy extra items that will in turn make the game play more enjoyable.
Not only is the United States spending more, so is China. China Daily states, "The market scale of online games in China reached 25.8 billion yuan ($3.7 billion) in 2009, a 39.5 percent increase over the previous year, a white paper on online game development released by the Ministry of Culture (MOC) said on Monday." Jumping 39.5% in a year is no small amount! The article also mentions that China produces 361 major online games, which 115 of those were new to 2009.
As you can see, online games aren't just something middle school boys do after school, but a tremendous industry that is only growing. New jobs are continually being formed. It is exciting to be able to learn the framework by which a lot of these games are made.
'Microtransactions' add up for free online games:
Online Game market expands to 25.8b yuan in China:
I think that online games is a good topic to use for your blog. It is so rich in content, that you will be able to write about it all semester. Well done, Joel!