Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lear, Learn, Learn!

I put this photo on here because I kinda think it is how I am in this class right now. The little girl is flying in the air, but has an almost apprehensive look on her face. I am learning how to fly, but kinda apprehensive at the same time. I get something really cool accomplished, then totally mess something else up. The cool thing is, the more I work with flash the less apprehensive I become. I am learning by trial and error.

Flash games has been a process. I have learning new things that expound upon the knowledge that I gained from Game Design last semester. Most recently, I am working on a random movement generator. Now I think that Monica has shown me a flash file that should really help in what I am trying to accomplish in the game.

I am ready to get back to work on the game, and hopefully get the movement and gameplay of the game working properly so that someone can actually play it!

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