Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ideas? I have them.

As I think through my years at Shepherd, I think of all the enjoyable projects that I have done. Thinking of possible Capstone project ideas has been interesting. I became slightly nostalgic as I reminisced about projects that I have done over the years here. I have enjoyed how they have stretched me, and taught me to think out side the box.

That being said, there are a few that really stuck out to me, and I would like to use the knowledge that I learned from them and apply it to my Capstone project. I would love to be able to do a media campaign of sorts. Which would entail a full fledged viral campaign: a website, videos, Facebook, Twitter, all the works. I would do this campaign on something that I care about, either something on campus or a topic of interest.

Another idea that would be wonderful to do would be an awesome Flash game. Through my semester in Game Design and Flash Games, I jumped into the world of flash. I really enjoyed coding and working with the program to create new things. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot from it. It would be great to devote time to making a full working game or some type of interactive learning experience using Flash.

My last possibility would to make a video, or series of videos. I am not sure as to what would be the main content of the videos just yet. I love comedy, and may try to tie in comedic elements to the video.

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